LeRoc / Modern Jive Basic Figures

Kandykane in Ceroc Pan Asia 2014
1. Armjive
Step back, Pull left hand + push right hand, step back on left leg, Pull R+push left, step back on right leg, Raise and pull left to left shoulder, step back on left leg, Turn lady clockwise with left hand Push her hips with right hand, Return lady anti-clockwise.

2. First Move
Step in taking lady's right hand and your left hand to your left shoulder, step back on left foot and turn lady 1/2 clockwise and put left hand and her right hand to your right hip or thereabouts, step forward on left foot taking left hand back to your left shoulder, push lady's left hip with right hand and raise left hand to turn lady clockwise, return lady anti-clockwise.

3. Man Spin
Step back step in to the left side of the lady and start to turn anti-clockwise, take your right hand over the lady's right arm as you continue turning to face lady who turns ½ clockwise - you swap places, let go of lady's right hand and lady lets her right hand side along your back, as you exit to face take hold of lady's right hand, step back, step in and raise right hand to return lady anti-clockwise.

4. Yo-yo
Step back, step together taking lady's right hand to your left chest holding her fingers, using your right hand, lever your lady out to the right side turning her 1/2 clockwise, turn lady 1/4 anti-clockwise in front using right hand - moving it anti-clockwise and up to shoulder height (rather like lasoo-ing an unsuspecting cow - if you were a cowboy that is) still holding onto her right hand, raise right hand to turn lady clockwise to face, return lady anti-clockwise.

5. Shoulder Slide
This is the basic shoulderslide: Step back, step together and to the left side of the lady raising your left arm carry on walking taking lady's right hand to your right shoulder, turn 1/2 anti-clockwise while the lady turns 1/2 clockwise and as this happens lady slides her right hand down your right shoulder, as your face again catch her right hand in your left hand, (you have changed places) return lady anti-clockwise.

6. Pushspin
Step back, step together taking left hand up to left shoulder with a flat hand hold and lady takes her hand palm to palm to your left hand, put right hand to her left hip and lady puts her spare left hand to your right shoulder loosley so it doesn't hamper things when spinning, push down with left hand while pulling with right hand to spin lady clockwise directly infront of you, catch right hand, return your lady anti-clockwise.

7. Lady Spin (Cerocspin)
Step back, step in taking right hand down to right side preparing the lady using a ball and socket grip (you cup your right hand and she makes a fist with her right hand) This tells the lady she is about to go spinning. Spin the lady clockwise to face, catch with right hand, return the lady anti-clockwise to face again.

8. Comb
Step back, step in turning the lady anti-clockwise to face, as she exits take her right hand behind your head, lower her right hand on your right shoulder (yes right shoulder*), step back, she slides her right hand down your left forearm, take hold of her hand with your left hand.

9. Octopus
Step back offering spare hand, step together raising left hand to wrap lady 1/2 anti-clockwise into your right side, change places letting go of right hand and sliding it along her back to catch her left hand on exit ending with a two hand straight hold again. Now step together only turning yourself 1/2 anti-clockwise and wrapping into the lady's right side, continue changing places letting go right hand and end with two hand straight hold, again, step together raising left hand to wrap lady 1/2 anti-clockwise into your right side, change places letting go of right hand and sliding it along her back to catch her left hand on exit ending with a two hand straight hold, return lady anti-clockwise letting go of right hand to face.

10. Basket
Step back,
step in keeping right hand low and raising left hand to turn lady 1/2 anti-clockwise,
wrap her infront of you and lower left - her arms are crossed around her front.
lead the lady and both step back and to the right,
both step forward and to the left twisting a little anti-clockwise,
raise left hand and unwrap lady 1/2 clockwise to face,
step back,
step in and return lady anti-clockwise letting go of right hand half way through.

11. Sway
Step back, Pull lady anti-clockwise into your right side, your arm going behind her back holding her right hand making a 'chicken wing' with her right arm Lady offers her left hand which you can take with your left hand (if required the move description will say to take spare hand). Step right and backwards on left leg, step left and forwards on left leg, nudge lady with your right arm to turn 1/2o clockwise back out to face.

12. Wurlitzer
Step back, step together taking left hand out to left and vertically flat (to signal a pushspin) and right hand to your right hip - this is the prepare, step back a little and push lady out 1/4 clockwise still holding on right hand, (the lady can pose with her right hand out flat etc.) pause, step in and throw right hand down to far right so spinning the lady 1/4 + 1 anti-clockwise, catch R return not necessary but really should be clockwise to counter act the anti-clockwise spin.

13. Hatchback
Step back, step in taking right hand to left shoulder and flat, lady facing, standing to your right side, her palm flat on back of your hand, lever out with your right hand in a clockwise motion pushing the lady behind you and into a clockwise spin, while you turn 1/2 clockwise to face her as she exits, catch right hand, return lady anti-clockwise to balance her spinning-ness.

14. Step Across
Step back, step in to left side of lady raising left hand to make an 'opening' between your and the lady's arm, step past the lady under both your arms, step 1/4 anti-clockwise and turn lady 1/2 clockwise to face and at the same time pull left hand back down low and to the left, in a kind of levering action which adds to the style of the turn, step back, step in, return lady anti-clockwise

15. Side to Side
Step away, step together side by side turning a little clockwise (she goes anti-clockwise), elbow to elbow, push down on left hand and step out to face, step together side by side turning a little clockwise (she goes anti-clockwise), elbow to elbow, push down on left hand and step out to face, turn lady clockwise return lady anti-clockwise. You can kick and click your fingers to add a jivey feel.

16. Half Windmill
Start with a R-R hand-hold. Step apart under tension.
Step in, straighten and lower your right hand, pulling lady towards you, then lift hand turning her 1/2CCW so she is to your right hand side, facing the same direction, with your right hand high above her right shoulder. Turn yourself 1/4 CCW lowering your hand, forcing her to turn a further 1/4CCW.
You should now have her behind your back facing your back and your hands at waist level behind your back. Swap her hand from your right into your left.
Raise your left hand as you turn yourself a further 1/4 CCW, forcing her to turn a further 3/4 of a turn, your hand going over her head to facilitate this.
Step back under tension. You should have swapped places, you turning 1/4 CCW in total, the lady turning 1.5 turns CCW in total. It is important that you both turn on the spot in one fluid motion. It is often conventional to shout 'half windmill' before this move as it is difficult to differentiate how it starts from a catapult!

17. Neck Break
Step in side by side - right arm hovering over lady's left shoulder, transfer lady's right hand to right hand turning her 1/2 clockwise and hold her left hand in left hand, move right arm to left shoulder 'breaking her neck' in an anti-clockwise direction, Turn the lady clockwise 1/2 out to face in a 2 handed cross hold (left on top), Finish to taste (for example two handed return raising both hands and letting go of left hand to end).

18. Figure of Eight
Step back, return lady clockwise, as she comes to face, turn yourself clockwise, follow straight through by turning her clockwise again at exit.

19. Catapult
Step back - the grip with your right hand is palm facing up with fingers slightly bent and the lady's hand is the same but upside down, finger together step in pulling lady into your right side, as she travels past you, raise your right hand turning her 1/2 anti-clockwise behind your back, offer your left hand behind your back, the lady takes your left hand so she is now holding both hands directly behind you, step back pulling lady closer and take right hand to right hip and left hand out straight at left side, (this is the prepare) let go right hand and keeping left hand low hook it around in a kind of clockwise motion leading the lady clockwise 1.5 times to face you, catch right hand and return the lady anti-clockwise.

20. Backhander
Step back,
take a large step forward on your left foot and to the left of the lady (your right hand goes to the right side of her) taking her right hand behind her back and passing it into your right hand (at her left side),
continue walking forward and pull on her right hand turning 1/2 clockwise to face,
in the mean time turn lady one and a half times clockwise in one beat keeping right hand low until she is safely half the way through then raising it to help her finish the turn,
return lady anti-clockwise - probably a good idea to combat dizziness.

21. Butterfly
Step back, step in raising right hand and turning yourself 1/2 anti-clockwise under the lady's right arm, moving into her right side, as you exit you are standing a little in front of the lady to her right, both facing the same way and take right hand to your right shoulder, step to the left (lady steps R) in front of the lady taking hold of her left hand in your left hand and to your left shoulder and take your right hand (and her right hand) out to the right at shoulder height - a bounce, step right again (lady steps L) taking left hand low to your left hip and right hand high just above your head, step back a little into lady's right side and take right hand down to your right hip area, you are now side by side, both walk on the spot for two beats, raise right hand turning a little anti-clockwise and turn lady clockwise, return lady anti-clockwise.

22. Tunnel
R to R hand hold, step back. Step fwd slightly to lady's R, raise R arm, let lady go through it ccw. LF to side, offering LH diag back to L & catch lady's L while lady is at the back. RF follow through LF & step back, at the same time lady goes fwd to man's L side, man spins the lady cw by swinging LH out.
Catch lady's LH which is wrapped behind her back with LH, lady's RH above man's LH caught by man's RH. Man raise RH and goes through under lady's R arm, LF side. Duck and step backward to go through lady's arm. Turn the lady cw by pulling her R hand which is wrapped behind her back.   

23. Pretzel
Step back offering, Step in and lady takes your hand behind your back, Raise your L Pass back to back; as she emerges the other side, lower left and raise right, taking it over her head and lowering in front of her face Keep right moving towards your left, raising it again so that it passes over your head. This leads the lady so that she is now behind you, facing the same direction as you, and slightly to your left. Drop right and raise left while turning 1/4 anti-clockwise and simultaneously turning lady anti-clockwise; release right as she turns Turn her twice, and then lower left and step back.

24. Seducer
In as First move - left hand to left shoulder, left hand out to right turning lady out. Turn lady back in to shoulder only with left hand up flat - you are both close in a side by side position. Step forward on right leg, slightly lower and turn lady infront to the left with your right hand in her lower back for support and using left hand as the guide, seduce down infront (the lady allows herself to go back taking her weight on one leg bent beneath her and the other leg out straight as usual), stand up again, finish as usual.

25. First Move Jump

26. Travelling Return
As standard return, step back return changing places, hold out hand, lady turning away, turn to face next beat.

27. Overhead Hand Change

28. Lean

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